Ani Anderson,

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Welcome to the Somatic Coaching Academy!

Below you will find our certification programs and other offerings as well as free resources. Reach out any time! Our email is at the bottom of the page. 
The Somatic Coach Complete program gives you all 3 of our signature certifications bundled together.

You will be a sought-after change agent who has the body, mind, spirit “power tools” to help even the most resistant clients get transformative results.
Become a trauma-sensitive Somatic Coach.

Be able to get great results with anyone you work with, handle any difficult client issues and unlock your client's true potential. 
Get coached by our expert team and live into your potential and possibility.

Free Resources

Want ALL the info without spending hours searching?

Sign up for your FREE library card today and get ALL of our free resources (150+ and counting). This includes articles, podcasts, posts and videos - all in ONE location!

*Please make sure your contacts go through the LIBRARY to sign up for events they will find on our events page*
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