not every practitioner can tap it. Every person has potential...
Unlocking Human Potential:
An Introduction to Trauma-Sensitive
Somatic Coaching
Frequently Asked Questions
Bodyworkers, case managers, chiropractors, clergy, coaches, consultants, counselors, doctors, energy workers, health educators, managers, manual therapists , nurses, physical/occupational therapists, social workers, teachers , therapists and anyone else who works with people.
In this class you will learn:
1) Explore the brain science of trauma and ethical "do no harm" coaching
2) Learn the 4 main trauma responses and how to spot them
3) Identify when and how coaches unintentionally trigger their clients
4) Learn a somatic (body centered) "power-tool" utilized by trauma-aware coaches
Yes! This class is pre-recorded so you can watch and re-watch it at your convenience!
This course is designed for professional development. While there may be some positive "side effects" in the realm of personal healing, it is meant to inform and educate professionals.
Yes! What a great way to start your coaching journey... this class is definitely for you.
Without a doubt, yes. If you work with people, talk to people, raise human beings (parents) or in any way interact with others... this course is for you!
Watch the full training. Take a quiz on the material. Scores of a 90% or better will pass and get a trauma-aware practitioner badge.