Somatic Coaching Certification Program
A trauma-sensitive and research supported approach to coaching
Mastery is what you seek...
You will find personal and professional mastery with somatic coaching skills. 
More than your job title or professional credentials, what really matters to you is the impact you’re making.

Now more than ever practitioners need to be able to deliver deep and sustainable breakthroughs for their clients. Having somatic coaching skills provides you with the expertise to help even the most challenging or resistant clients create sustained motivation and mental wellbeing.   

Would you like to be the kind of practitioner who:

  • Gets miracle-like results with your clients?
  • Knows exactly how to navigate difficult emotions and resistance?
  • Is doing work that consistently provides empathy-driven breakthroughs and sustainable behavioral change that leaves clients raving about your services?
  • Doesn't have to market yourself because your client results lead to plenty of opportunities?

Instead, are you;

  • Wasting time and money looking for the next best marketing technique (fad).
  • Working with clients who are stuck in “maintenance mode” or make excuses for why they haven’t progressed.
  • Working dollar per hour and feeling the effects of the “hamster wheel."
  • Settling for helping people feel better rather than truly changing lives.
  • Longing to understand the deeper work and true purpose.
  • Feeling like you are “missing a piece” that will pull all of your knowledge and expertise together.
Measure your impact by the transformations you give your clients and the amount of energy you receive in exchange.
If you’ve been looking for the deepest, most profoundly transformational experience you can give your clients (and yourself!) in the simplest form, somatic coaching skills are the "missing piece."
“I used my somatic coaching skills to help myself quit my job and start my own practice, which doubled my salary and I’m working way less.”

Kate LaValley
Owner Insight Moves Physical Therapy

The problem is with outdated systems.

THIS is the Age of Change.

BE the Change.
Old systems are crumbling and new systems will be created. Billions of people are part of this global transformation. Everyone is shifting… everyone is changing… not everyone is consciously along for this ride.

What isn’t working—

Intellectually exclusive personal development isn’t working: People have heard enough of the “think positive” mentality. Coaching that disallows a full emotional experience isn’t allowing full intelligence to flow. Training that only focuses on the positive aspects of life is neglecting a key truth- life can be challenging. We can no longer meet people with a “pep talk” and expect them to take on a new level of success. Our clients (and we ourselves) are demanding (and deserve) true compassion and holistic solutions that allow us all to be a real human being. Holistic practitioners are HOT in the market place right now, and those that are able to maintain neutrality, non-judgment and optimism in the face of difficult conversations are more valuable than ever.

Focus on High Performance isn't working: People are getting tired of the high performance "rah rah." People want results. People want to FEEL BETTER. And they want to hear the truth. In this somatic coaching certification program you'll feel like a breath of fresh air. YES we can help people transform their lives and we can do it with compassion and energy rather than manipulation.

Big Business systems aren’t working: Consumers are seeing through shiny tactics. New generations want the companies they support to have a heart, soul, and purpose. 73% of Millennials say they are willing to pay more for product and service companies that support social causes. 70% of Gen Z says they will actively engage with companies that can help them make a difference. You can be one of those impact-driven businesses that the market is looking for and craving.

Fancy Marketing systems aren’t working: Most people won’t tell you the facts; in the personal development industry, only 3% of people you reach with an automated marketing system actually become potential clients (and that is if you have a great system!) Disconnected, impersonal marketing no longer works. Fear based marketing should be a thing of the past. And that’s just the transformational industry… not to mention healthcare, education, and politics. It’s time for a NEW way. Relationships will win the day today. And many many people need help transforming their relationships. Will you help them?

The way we talk about stress isn't working: Stress, anxiety, burnout and overwhelm... they aren't problems to fix, they are symptoms of an underlying functional problem that is begging for attention. When we work WITH our bodies rather than against them, and WITH our spiritual nature rather than pretending it doesn't exist, we can perform at higher levels and open unlimited possibilities for potential.

“I have found the founders of the Somatic Coaching Academy, Ani and Brian, to be two of the most grounded individuals I have encountered in the personal development industry. They are a breath of fresh air- knowledgable, real and relatable.”

Shelly Van Goeye
SBMC, CEO Lucky Penny

Somatic Coaching Certification
REAL transformation. DEEP relationships.

After completing our somatic coaching certification program you will have:
  • The most advanced coaching assessment tools available, allowing you to detect the most subtle cues in your client as if reading their mind.
  • The simplest and most effective coaching tools. Why make things complicated when you can laser in and make an immediate impact in your client’s awareness?
  • The deepest methodology that clears the core problems and taps into your clients most authentic potential.
  • The most complete theory in human behavior available in the simplest package… encompassing the greatest teachings in both western and eastern philosophy.
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Be an expert in human behavior

Get to the raw data of the nervous system- the sensations.

When you take this somatic coaching certification program you will harness your clients complete intelligence. 

Action does not arise from thoughts. It does not arise from will. Action arises from our physiology no matter who you are, what you’ve been through, or how successful you’ve been in the past or will be in the future.

When you learn to masterfully work with a person’s sensations you work with the raw data of the human physiology. In essence, you can access their holistic intelligence.

And people can feel it.

Gone are the days where you can just address a client’s intelligence without addressing emotionality. But... how do we easily and completely address both mental and emotional intelligence, as well as the wisdom of spirituality, without getting off on a tangent or getting lost in impractical ideations?

Work with the sensation-base.

Working with the sensation-base is simple, profound and 
creates miracle like results for clients without effort!

“The world needs practitioners who are ready to embrace their roles as leaders, educate themselves as professionals, and dare to do more than the systems tell us are possible.”
Our somatic coaching certification program is a powerful distillation of the following wisdom:

Mindfulness, BodyMind Energetics, Neuroscience, Physiology, Energy Medicine, Spiritual Psychology, Coaching, Eastern Philosophy, Somatics and Holistic Behavioral Research.

Perhaps you’ve experienced having clients who…

  • Couldn’t seem to meet their goals.
  • Get better only to relapse.
  • Won’t do their homework.
  • Have physical symptoms that take their focus away from their work or goals.
  • Experience family problems or other seemingly unrelated setbacks.

Perhaps you’ve personally experienced…

  • Feeling like there is a higher calling for you.
  • Knowing you’re in over your head with client’s emotional needs
  • Thinking body symptoms or seemingly random events that take you off course and you wonder (and know) it’s not a coincidence.
  • Being unsure of how to go really deep with people in a way that is safe because you know that superficial solutions don’t work and that human connection is the most important skill to develop.
  • Wanting to put an end to “band-aid” fixes because you’re dedicated to sustainable, reproducible change.
  • Feeling passionate that the world needs more human-ness.
  • Not being able to help someone change.
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Your First Step to Getting Started:
Your Partners in Revolutionary Transformation
Ani Anderson and Brian Trzaskos have over 45 years and 86,000 hours of client experience. As rehabilitation specialists, they both took a revolutionary approach to client care, leaving the broken Western Medical System and Insurance reimbursement model behind to start their own private pay private practices.

From there they grew two thriving wellness centers, both in their tiny home town of 4,000 year round residents.

Having become the “people who you go to when the doctor doesn’t know what is wrong” Ani and Brian knew it was time to begin teaching on a global scale. The Somatic Coaching Academy is their second global training institution.
Ani and Brian have clients around the world, are seen as thought-leaders in their field and hold space for thriving communities of dedicated service-based professionals. They are highly respected by leaders in the therapeutic and coaching industry, having hosted thousands of trainings between them, and are routinely told that their work has changed the lives of the people they serve like nothing else before.

At the end of the day, Ani and Brian are most proud of their thriving personal relationship and the kind of parents and people they have chosen to dedicate their lives to being. When they aren’t teaching, they can be found in their little log home in the woods, nestled between the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains and Lake Champlain in New York.
Places Ani and Brian can be found collaborating...
“I am SO grateful for Ani and Brian!!! What a trip that I have been on floundering and not getting clients. Once I started the somatic coaching certification program and speaking from my heart, the clients flocked in!”

Augusta Good Krahl
ICF Certified Coach

Who this somatic coaching certification program is for:

Coaches, Holistic Health Professionals, Yoga Instructors, Acupuncturists, Massage Therapists, Teachers, Manual Therapists, Fitness Instructors, Kinesiologists, Human Development Professionals and Social Workers and more.

Some of the results your client’s will achieve following certification:
(These are typical results, however we can not create any guarantees for your clients.)

*Close largest revenue year to date*
*Embody confidence to change jobs and leave relationships*

*Start new businesses and grow existing revenue structure*
*Heal relationship problems including long-standing estrangement*
*Begin caring for body, nutrition, self-care and pain management independently*
*Find purpose and create intentional life plans*
*Heal generational trauma patterns*

*Develop patience and compassion for those previously dismissed*
*Create more monetary abundance and freedom*
*Eliminate stress and anxiety producing symptoms. Eliminate need for medication.*
*Increased capacity to take personal responsibility including voicing difficult issues and creating/maintaining boundaries.*
*Increased energy, motivation, and vitality to complete tasks*
*Reduced negativity, blaming and unproductive habits*
*The clarity and confidence to “come out of the closet” and be authentic and vulnerable with confidence and grace*

One Method – Many Amazing Results

Level One:
The Cross Mapping Method
Practitioner Training
The Cross Mapping Method is a sensation reframing tool that can be used to eliminate chronic physical pain, emotional stress, anxiety, and other forms of emotional suffering. Rehabilitation therapists use the Cross Mapping Method to eliminate physical pain. Coaches, therapists, leaders, and managers use the Cross Mapping Method to motivate people who resist change toward greater levels of authentic productivity and success.
Level Two:
Sensation-Based Motivation
Coach Training
SBMC is a groundbreaking, trauma-sensitive, and research-supported somatic approach that integrates mindfulness, energy medicine, neuroscience, natural law, and bioenergetics, to train coaches and holistic practitioners in becoming the most influential and motivating health and wellness leaders. SBMC graduates become masters of navigating resistance to change and are making impacts in health care, wellness, education, entrepreneurship, finance, and prison reform.
Your First Step to Getting Started:
Level 1
Somatic Tools
Cross Mapping Method

The Cross Mapping Method, which is a confluence of neuroscience, mindfulness, and energy medicine, allows you to help clients sustainably re-pattern physical pain, joint stiffness, and muscle weakness as well as emotional challenges such as stress, anxiety, depression, and debilitating fear.  Your clients will be able to think clearly, move freely, and feel empowered to take action towards their goals with purpose and confidence when you use this mental health coaching technique. Using the principles of energy medicine, but not needing to put “hands-on,” this inquiry technique is simple to use and works with anyone, anywhere, every time, giving you predictable results to move clients toward exceptional mental and physical wellbeing.

Coaches and holistic professionals love using Cross Mapping because it gives them a systemized way to navigate their client’s most difficult emotions.  Manual therapists report that Cross Mapping helps their client’s muscles soften, making it easier on their own hands and bodies as they affect client change.  Our students have a saying about Cross Mapping that, “When you work the process, the process works…. every single time.”

It's the mental health coaching technique that everyone needs in this post-pandemic world.
Level 2
Somatic Skills
Sensation-Based Motivation Coaching (SBMC)

A powerful confluence of mindfulness, neuroscience, and bioenergetics, Our Somatic Coaching Certification program will teach you the deepest approach to personal transformation by helping your clients become aware of, decode, modify, and reframe the root cause of their emotional content at the cellular level.  This trauma-informed system recognizes that emotions are the driving force of human behavior, and focuses on the most basic and tangible part of the emotional experience- the sensations. Our sensations dictate not only what actions we take in every aspect of our lives, but also create physical issues such as dis-ease, stress, anxiety, and depression when they are misunderstood or ignored.

When we teach you how to systematically access and leverage the raw data of your client’s nervous system, the sensations, any transformation becomes possible for them. You will have the skills and tools to help people quickly go from stuck and resistant to enthusiastic action takers. This makes you a valuable resource for your clients, potential clients, and colleagues. 

Sensation-Based Motivation Coaching is a groundbreaking, trauma-sensitive, and research-supported somatic approach that integrates mindfulness, energy medicine, neuroscience, natural law, and bioenergetics, to train coaches and holistic practitioners in becoming the most influential and motivating health and wellness leaders. SBMC graduates become masters of navigating resistance to change and are making impacts in health care, wellness, education, entrepreneurship, finance, and prison reform.

“I’ve been working in the field of somatic therapy and coaching for many years and have been through lots of programs.  The Somatic Coaching Academy somatic coaching certification program is chock full of incredible value and is at least a 25K program.”

Nancy Jonker, PhD

Somatic Coach Training Program:
Quick Facts


Our Level 1 program tuition is $3997. Level 2 tuition is $14,997. Save $1,000 when you register for BOTH Level 1 and Level 2 at the same time. Also receive our Core Centering program for free when you enroll in both Level 1 & 2 at once. This will provide you with your trauma-sensitive coach badge and credientials at the end of your program.

Pay in full or payment plan options are available

Level 1: Online lectures and four day-long intensives over 3 months with one hour "office hours" in between.
Level 2:  Weekly, 90-minute virtual training and practice calls (zoom conference) Calls take place Thursdays at 11:30 EST

Level 1 begins as soon as you enroll. Intensive cohorts start in Jan or April.
Level 2 begins September 12th, 2024

Weekly calls are virtual and take place on zoom conference.
Level 2 three day retreat location, TBD

Program Features

  • Robust program vault with information for you and to share with your clients
  • Private mentor calls with a senior training mentor
  • Monthly Office Hours calls for business building
  • Gain immediate access to turn-key tools and resources.
  • Highly engaged virtual group forum for community support and instructor feedback
  • Training manual/video program materials support included
  • Certificate of completion with listing in the directory on our website and renewal option
  • Bonus Business Trainings - worth the tuition investment alone!
  • Plus our remarkable 3 day SBMC retreat that participants say is one of the most transformational experiences of their lives.

Program Objectives

By the completion of the SBMC certification program, the student will be able to…
  • Find anyone's life purpose
  • Identify client's most prominent resistance strategies with ease
  • Evaluate why people aren't making progress when they plateau
  • Access client's biggest desires, dreams and goals, even if they think they don't know what they are.
  • Overcome core-wound patterns, limiting beliefs and behavior
  • Gently release client's fight/flight/freeze reactions
  • Navigate through any emotional defensiveness with compassion
  • Eliminate painful and uncomfortable sensations without putting hands-on
  • Assist clients with difficult past histories through present moment strategies routinely identified as working "better than therapy"
  • Tap into clients natural confidence through bioenergetic tools and strategies
  • Uncover hidden motivation in seemingly resistant individuals
  • Integrate Sensation-Based Motivation methods into current vocational framework
  • Use the Natural Law Inquiry process to effect rapid shifts in awareness and insight
  • Lead motivation workshops and programs that can generate 100K+ a year with a freedom-based business model. 

"At the time I started my SBMC journey, I was in a 20 year career as a staff physical therapist " in the system". I was burnt out, unhappy, unfulfilled ...and looking for a way out!  At the time, I remember struggling so much with my fear of being able to financially support my family ( I was the primary bread winner in the family), and being told by some people close to me that no one would pay cash for what I do.

Knowing how SBMC works and learning the skills, helped manage my nervous system and the resistance that was showing up, so I could take the steps from having the conversation with my husband about what I needed to how much I would charge per session, and stand by it.

I am now working in my own mostly cash based practice, meeting my own personal goal for the number of clients per week.    I was surprised the places patients came from, and have found many of my fears about taking this step were not even real."

Shannon Bessette, Owner of Shannon Bessette Physical Therapy

Business Building:
Bonus Trainings for Successful Business

Pre-recorded for self-paced learning

  • Assessments and Evaluations for Client Mastery
  • Giving a Successful 1 Hour Talk That Sells Your Programs By Itself
  • How to Set “Just Right” Rates
  • Smoothly On-boarding Clients with Confidence
  • Marketing You Won’t Hate – Create a nearly Tech-Free 6-Figure Coaching Businesses

LIVE Bonus Trainings

  • Creating Your Unique Business Model
  • Purpose, Mission, Message: How to simplify what you do so that client’s get it
  • Influential Conversations: Learn how to be an amazing sales person for your business in a way that feels inspiring to you and your clients! 
“I more than doubled my investment in the somatic coaching certification program within a year after graduation, going from charging $75/h as a fitness instructor to offering “all-in” transformational packages.”

Kasia Brzeszcz



Q: I’m not a coach. Is this program for me?

A: If you are a service professional who works with clients or staff and you desire to have a skill set that can quickly help people move from resistant and stuck into empowered and inspired quickly, YES, this program is for you! If you want to have trauma-sensitive skills to use with the people you serve and/or manage, YES, this program is for you. This program is perfect for social service professionals and managers who manage people problems all day.

Q: I’m already a coach. How is this different from other coaching programs?
A: Established coaches train with us because Sensation-Based Motivation is the most complete, effective, and sustainable way to help your clients create personal transformations. Statistically most people who receive coaching services do not transform their life results. Most coaches would say that “not everyone is willing to change” or worse, label clients who are having trauma reactions as "un-coachable." What we say is, a skilled somatic coach trained in sensation-based motivation coaching understands that the only thing blocking a person from making positive changes in their lives is resistance. Resistance that can not be intellectualized (as most of it can’t) MUST be met with a wholistic, somatic (body-centered) approach like Sensation-Based Motivation Coaching. Yes, established coaches train with us.

This program is also different from other coaching programs because of its practical focus on physiology. Yes, we talk about intellectual aspects of human behavior. Yes, we talk about spiritual aspects as well. It's the physiology that ties our psychology, emotions, spirituality and physical existence together.

Q: I work at a day job and have yet to start my own business, but I want to. Is this program for me?
A: Maybe. SBMC can make you a much more valuable employee. We also give you the bonuses you need to build a thriving business. That being said, SBMC is very high level curriculum and we want to make sure you will have the desired results following your training. It’s best for us to have a phone conversation to determine if this program is a good match for you and your desires. People who have a background in some kind of holistic modalities tend to grasp the material more quickly. Your best bet is to start with our Core Centering program and progress from there. It's a really practical way to get you where you want to go quickly. [Click here to be directed to the Core Centering program page.]

Q: I’m already a coach but I have had trouble filling my practice. I’m not great with marketing. Can this program help me?
A: Yes! When you know who you are at the “core” figuring out who you serve and how you serve them becomes very simple. This will be a part of your personal transformation in the program.

Q: I’m a rehab therapist and want to start my own practice. I've been looking into becoming a wellness coach. Why should I do this instead?

A: Because you're going to want to study somatics at some point anyway... you might as well hop right into it. Our students who are already health and wellness coaches tell us they wish that they had found us sooner because what we offer quite literally it the missing piece they have been looking for!

Q: I’m already a wellness coach. Why would I take this program?

A: See the above Q&A. Also, SBMC is a continuing education certification. It's perfect for people who already have a coaching background. Think of your wellness coach (or whatever coaching certification you have for that matter) as your bachelors degree and this is your masters.

Q: I’m already a somatic therapist. Will this be a repeat?

A: Not at all. You will be familiar with some of the concepts already but we've found that helps with comprehension and gaining competency with the skills in the program. This is a coaching related program and so we find that our students who are somatic therapists greatly enjoy the optimistic and "light-hearted" approach somatic coaching brings to their work.

Q: This program sounds like it’s for therapists, but I’m not a therapist.

A: Have you ever felt like you should have a therapists couch in your office because people come to you with personal problems you didn’t feel qualified to help them with? Yep… thought so 😉 This program is perfect for you.

Q: Is this course for therapists or coaches? 
A:  Both. This is not a coaching course, the Cross Mapping Method is a tool used by both therapists and coaches. If you are already a therapist or a coach it can easily be integrated into what you already do.

Q: I’m a therapist and would love to make more money and have more free time. I’ve considered becoming a coach, but it seems so superficial. What do you think?
A: Ani and Brian will tell you… they weren’t considering becoming coaches either! Coaching can be a profound journey of self discovery and a phenomenal way to help your clients get in touch with the truth of who they are. If that sounds exciting… we should talk

Q: Is there anyone who isn't a good candidate for this program?
A: This program is not well suited for people who do not already work with clients/team members professional. If you are currently not working or work at a job where you do not lead and manage people but you desire to be a somatic coach, please start with our Core Centering Program, get started on your professional journey working with people, then apply. [Click here to be directed to the Core Centering program page.]

Q: I'm shopping around. Why do people chose your program over others?
A: Our students chose our program because 1) we hear it's the most "somatic" of all the somatic coaching programs. We will teach you exactly how to read the body, handle pain and physical discomfort, move with clients, and use physical discomfort as a compass for growth and decision making. 2) We are very practical. We focus on science and the science we use is physiology. You'll leave our program knowing how to talk to prospects and other professionals about what you do so that you can easily integrate somatic work into a professional atmosphere and gain credibility. 3) Students choose us because they want a comprehensive program that will help them grow their businesses. This isn't a weekend course. Our focus is to help you create a bigger impact with your work. 


Q: Why is the Level 1 and Level 2 program combined 9 months long? Isn't that a long time?
A: Our coaches are not only expected to learn content and demonstrate competencies, they are expected to use and embody the SBMC tools and methodology to create their own life transformations. It takes 9 months to make a human being and it takes 9 months to make a qualified, highly trained SBMC coach. Breakthroughs can occur in a moment. True lasting transformation takes time... it takes 9 months and it's worth it. Our students never want their cohort to end.

Q: When is the next program?
A:  Enroll and start your learning right away. Level 1 cohorts are spaced through out the year and Level 2 cohorts start in September.

Q: Do I have to wait to register or can I start right away?
A:  If you'd like to take the SBMC program, please register right away so you can save your seat in our next program. You will first get started with Level 1 and may also decide to take Core Centering. You will gain immediate access to your student vault after you sign your program agreement and can get started with all the bonuses we have waiting for you.

Q: Is the class live or recorded? In person or virtual?
A: SBMC takes place in virtual classes for 90 mins. each week, usually on Thursdays at 11:30 EST. We also have a 3 day retreat as a part of this program. See our Level 1 Cross Mapping Page for Cross Mapping class structure.

Q: Do I need to take the Cross Mapping Program (Level 1) to take Level 2?
A:  Yes.

Q: If I already have other somatic coaching or therapy certifications, can I skip the Level 1 Cross Mapping program and go straight to Level 2?
A:  No. The Cross Mapping curriculum has a number of foundational elements and teachings that are critical to your success in the Sensation-Based Motivation Coaching program. You must take it as a part of the Somatic Coach Training Program.

Q: What books should I read before I take the program?
A: It is not necessary to study ahead of time, however if you want to, two great books to read are 1) The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk 2) Find Your Soul's Agenda: the one word that will make your whole life a success by our co-founder Ani Anderson.

Q: Where can I get the class schedule?
A: Most Sensation-Based Motivation Coaching (Level 2) classes take place for 90 mins. on Thursdays from 11:30am-1pm EST.


Q: How much does the course cost? 
A:  At present the SBMC program (Level 2) costs $14,997. If you would like to reduce your tuition, we give a hearty tuition reduction when you sign up for both Level 1 and Level 2 at the same time. When you sign up for Level 1 and Level 2 at the same time, we gift you the Core Centering program and give you a $1000 tuition savings on your Level 2 program. That becomes a $3387 savings on your program tuition when taking all three programs.

Q: Are there any additional unadvertised costs?
A: No. For the SBMC retreat your costs are wrapped in. The only cost you will incur is to travel to get to the retreat.

Q: Do you offer a payment plan?
A: Yes. Most of our students pay on a monthly payment plan starting when they sign up and extending to the last month of the program. It's also possible to pay in full or in 3 equal payments.

Q: It seems expensive. 
A: If our program seems expensive we can pretty much guarantee you are not comparing it to a comparable program. This is a coach certification training and tuition is on par with other reputable professional coach training programs. If you're looking for something less expensive you are looking for some something less extensive than we offer our students.

Q: I would love to join this program, but the investment is too large for me. I will join if I can find the money.
A: Money consciousness is a BIG part of the discussion in our network among our students because for many of our students, the breakthrough they are looking for is around money specifically. Here is truth: Money is energy. If you do not have enough of it and want more, you do not have a money problem, you have an energy problem (*). Our clients have experienced results all the way from getting their first client check to quadrupling revenue in an established seven figure business. These results are real, but not guaranteed because the amount of money you can gain from this program FAR exceeds your investment, however you will have to put the action steps in place to make it happen. If you would love to join the program, your first step is to schedule an interview, and if accepted, make a decision to join. Then, and only then, can the money become available to you to pay for tuition. The money doesn’t come first, a decision comes first.

*We are committed to having a diverse group of certified SBMC coaches. If the work you desire to bring into the world involves making an impact with individuals and/or organizations that have challenges in paying for your services, please consider applying for our Social Impact program. [Click here for information about our social impact program.]

Q: Do you have scholarships available?
A: No. We believe very strongly in helping you develop a new relationship with money. In light of that, we do not want to rob you of the experience of paying in full. We DO however have a really exciting Social Investment program! If you are going to be using this work to create social impact with individuals and/or organizations that need this work... please apply! [Click here to apply for our social impact program]

Q: Are there any tuition discounts?
A: When you sign up for Level 1 & Level 2 at the same time you will save $1000 on your tuition and also be invited to one of our Core Centering Program cohorts for free. That's a savings of $3387!

Q: Can I start monetizing this right away?
A:  Even before the start of the program you will have a business building bonus. We take your ability to grow your professional life very seriously. As soon as you sign up you will have access to an extensive library of business building videos. Before the program starts we begin with our first live business building bonus. After your graduation you will continue to be invited to monthly office hours where we talk about growing your business. We give you the tools to start utilizing this program to gain an ROI right away.


Q: When do your student start to report they feel like they have gotten their monies worth from this program? 
A:  We regularly have students tell us that they have gotten their monies worth from the program before it starts. Before the program officially begins, we start with 2 bonuses that provide our students with personal insights that reap benefits for a lifetime.

Q: What is SBMC. Can I see it in action? 
A:  The easiest way to understand what Sensation-Based Motivation Coaching is is to experience it for yourself. Join our certified graduates in a private coaching session and experience its power for yourself! [Click here to schedule your session.]

Q: In what settings do your graduates use SBMC?
A:  In all settings. Our graduates use the SBMC with their private clients, group programs, and as a part of trainings, workshops and retreats. SBMC can be found in wellness centers, factories, prisons, schools, hospitals and office buildings. Anywhere you find people, you'll find SBMC.

Q: What kind of results do you find your graduates get from using Sensation-Based Motivation Coaching with their clients?
A:  Our students routinely tell us that their clients report SBMC has been "better than 20 years of therapy." Our students clients make progress and gain results faster and more completely then other coaching methodologies. Our graduates are using SBMC to help people eliminate chronic pain, chronic stress and lifelong patterns of anxiety. In fact we are the only program we have found that teaches coaches exactly how to deconstruct a pattern of behavior in a way that client's easily understand. SBMC is being used in organizations to increase productivity, engagement and motivation. It's being used in prisons to reduce recidivism and increase employment retention following discharge. It's being used in hospitals for back pain, neck pain, knee, hip and joint pain. It's being used by coaches to help people overcome lifelong patterns of fear and resistance to change. It's being used to help people make more money in their businesses, grow, scale and lead. Our students find novel uses for SBMC all the time!

Q: I still have questions. Can I speak to someone on your team?
A:  Yes! Please book a call with our student liaison below.

Still have questions?
Schedule a time to speak with our Program Administrator
When you're ready to enroll:
 1) Register for your prerequisite program, Cross Mapping.
2) Upon enrolling in Cross Mapping, you will have the opportunity to speak with our Program Administrator and reserve your seat for the Somatic Coaching Certification program.
3) Approved candidates will be provided with further instructions.  
Click here to start your journey... Join Cross Mapping